Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rain Can Be Good

It's been cloudy and raining for a full week now. Everybody is complaining about the disappearance of the bright round orb that usually appears in the sky during the day. BUT, the new plants loved it! They've been growing and settling in and a few were even in bloom today, including the Sun Drops, Beardtongue and Prairie Phlox.

Carol Jacobson, Lynn Reid, Kelly Walsh (above) and myself worked in the garden today, digging out Black Swallowwort, weeding, raking and transplanting. I moved the last of the 2007 Girl Scout plants from the front of the front wall, where they were not doing well, to the back "low slope" garden, where they will get more shade and moisture. I also planted some Jerusalem Artichoke donated by Allison Menendez. It had been bare-rooted and did not look very happy when we left, but we'll see.

The Mountain Laurel were in full bloom. Here's Carol finishing up for the day. She dug out a ton of Black Swallowwort, which was in bloom (and soon to be setting seeds!)

Here's Lynn weeding out the front bed where the Girl Scout plants used to be. We're not sure what we'll put there. The soil is nice and black, but a bit bony, with part sun.

The Sun Drops are doing great and I think I'll pick up some of those for my garden. For one thing, they are deer resistant. And they are a naturally-occurring Evening Primrose hybrid that does not spread all over your garden. Yay!

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