The small fern above is a polypody growing over some rocks at the top of the Eklund upper terrace, which is what polypodys do.
We're very lucky to have so many fern species at Eklund. Here's an inventory of our ferns:
Christmas Fern (evergreen)
Polypody (up high in the wall on a rock)
Maidenhair Fern (purchased, in lower bed)
Royal Fern (purchased,- in the goldfish pond)
Interrupted Fern (large patch down by the trail, also in lower bed)
Ostrich Fern (purchased, in goldfish pond and lower bed)
Spinulose Wood Fern (in woodland fern patch near sidewalk)
Lady Fern (was growing where the cabin once stood, transplated to lower bed)
Marginal Wood Fern (growing in the walls)
Hayscented Fern (spread atop the upper terrace and through much of the site, along the pond)